comBOX is a proud sponsor of Ulysses

comBOX multi-WAN services recognizing the immense importance of “Ulysses”, the 1st Mobile Laboratory of Information, Education & Technology in Greece, by the organisation “The Smile of the Child”, deploys the innovative technology in Greece -comBOX VLL™ – which implements Real Bandwidth Bonding & Optimization of 3G & Satellite telecommunications providers lines.

Through comBOX VLL™, the “ULYSSES”:

has the total bandwidth of telecommunications infrastructure available, via a Virtual Leased Line, through the aggregation of the individual connections’ bandwidth.
ensures the maximum reliability and availability of the Internet, at any geographical location, during its trip to “Ithaca”, via the integrated advanced WAN Optimization features.
ensures the uninterrupted Internet feed, between physical lines -3G and satellite links- through technology “smart failover”.
The “ULYSSES” is available to children, teachers, parents and every conscious citizen as a Mobile Center Urgent Social Intervention, which enables the Organization “The Smile of the Child” to provide its services nationwide.

The action of “Ulysses” is implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of Education.

For more information about “Ulysses”, please visit the following link.